
Only 8 Percent of People Achieve Their Goal. Here's what they do

by Zana
Sep 18, 2016 at 12:08 PM

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"My new year resolution this year is....."

Does that sounds familiar to you? A research done by the University of Scranton suggest that 92 percent of people did not achieve their goal. Now, what are the other 8 percent is doing? 

1. Set specific and challenging goals

Research by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham found that people who set this type of goal: specific and challenging, are usually 90% more productive of the time. More specific and challenging goals give you the motivation to complete it. It pretty much explains why you couldn't reach your goals when they are easy and vaguely set. For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds by end of this month, it might sounds challenging but it is not specific enough. Eliminate the vagueness and make it more achievable by stating it this way: "During the month of August, I will lose five pounds by cutting off refined sugar, breads, and all fast food. I will also walk briskly for twenty minutes every day"

2. Be passionate and committed to your goals

The 8 percent of people that succeeded reaching their goal have their own internal compass that lock them until they reach the top of the mountain. Ask yourself how badly do you want it? Who's holding you accountable to the end? Is your heart truly in it from the start? What's life going to look like once you complete the goal?

In the end, will it be worth it?

After getting answers to those questions, you will see clearer picture of the importance of the goals and you'll reach a point where you'd be willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. 

3. Use feedback cycle to track progress

It is hard to break our habits and as a human, we are bound to fall back to our old habits, procrastinate or lost motivation. To counter this, you need a frequent feedback that helps you to acknowledge your progress. It will keep you on track and help you to adjust accordingly. That's why the coaching profession is booming. People who are really serious about meeting their goals benefit tremendously from the feedback and accountability system afforded in a coaching process.

4. Lean on trusted advisors

Seeking out other people for advice could give a big impact in the process of achieving your goals. That's why successful people are never lone rangers. They surround themselves with mentors and advisors that support them throughout the journey. Have few reliable people around you and meet them regularly so you could discuss your goals with them and steer you on achieving your goals.

5. Avoid multitasking

"One step at a time". Most successful people avoid juggling multiple things. Still think multitasking is a good strategy for success? Research suggests it is a myth and multitasking could actually damage your brain. You'll end up splitting your focus on many tasks, losing focus and lowers the quality of your work. That would mean longer time to achieve your goal! The 8 percent of people are smart enough to work on several smaller chunks to complete a big goal. But they do it by knocking one down then moving on to the next one.


Source: Inc.edu