#Working Wisdom

3 Simple Hacks That Keep Your Career Momentum Going

by Zana
Sep 19, 2016 at 4:38 PM

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After working for a long time, it is quite hard to keep the momentum going from day 1 of your job. Eventually, there's a moment when we might feel demotivated, less inspired and wondering if we're doing the right thing. It is normal to face hardships at times but it is your attitude towards it that counts. Here's what you can do every day, every week and every month to keep you insipired! 

1. Read 10 minutes every day

Sounds simple but not many of us that can really grab a book and spend some time reading it. Read for 10 minutes or 20 minutes or whatever you fit in. We all know learning never stops but what we often don't realise is that the inspiration from the movers and shakers in our industry is within reach. So, read.. Read more often. Read the unexpected. Read articles from influencers within your industry, stay up-to-date on news about compelling companies, and follow other industries for new perspectives. You' ll notice that you actually have boundless opportunity to read, learn and grow. 

Also read fiction to stir up your creative juices even more. Studies showed that reading fiction could increase empathy, a vital part of emotional intelligence that can help you reach your professional and personal goals. Got a long commute? Subscribe and listens to your favourite podcast. Hearing other people's stories also could insipire you to keep going.

2. Learn new thing a week

“They'll never call you an expert unless you're good at doing something and you'll never be good at something unless you've learned how it is. (To do that) you have to fail several times.” Mark Mayungu, Senior Signal Engineer at Transport for London. 

Sometimes it might seem that the skills and knowledge required to be successful are changing too fast and we hardly can keep up. While the pace can be quite daunting, it opens a door of opportunity for increased motivation, problem solving and inspiration. Just take some time every week to learn something new— anything! From Photoshop, Excel, or just a new way to introduce yourself in public. By committing to one new thing a week, you’ll have learned over 52 new skills by this time next year. Just imagine where that could take you!

3. Reach out to a connection that inspires you for a month

“If you love what you do, it pushes you into the direction of being amazing at your job, and allowing other people to take part in that.” Carlos Maza, Media Watchdog.

"It takes a village" is not just a metaphor for raising a child, it also applies to successful people that believe nobody does it alone. Never underestimate the power of people around you. Have question? Reach out. Want to grow your network? Connect with people in your company and industry. You are going to need to connect with people before you need them. Contacting someone that you're not so close to might seem daunting but you'll be surprised who would respond. 

Regardless of your role in the industry, career momentum is essential. By keeping yourself inspired with new stories, skills and people that can give you the boost to get up, you will be able to get back up and move forward. 

Source: Catherine Fisher